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更新时间:2016-10-08 11:57:25  |  来源: Berggruen Institute


大奖得主由独立的评选委员会选出。首届博古睿奖得主是加拿大麦吉尔大学荣誉教授查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)。
1. 夸梅·安东尼·阿皮亚 (Kwame Anthony Appiah) - 纽约大学哲学教授

2. 勒施克·伯瑞谢维兹 (Leszek Borysiewicz) - 剑桥大学校长

3. 安东尼奥·达马西奥 (Antonio Damasio) -南加州大学大脑与创造力研究所主任,多索夫神经科学教授

4. 艾米·古特曼 (Amy Gutmann)-宾夕法尼亚大学校长

5. 阿马蒂亚· (Amartya Sen)-诺贝尔奖得主,托马斯·拉蒙特大学教授,哈佛大学经济学与哲学教授

6. 艾莉森·西蒙斯 (Alison Simmons) - 哈佛大学哈佛学院教授,塞缪尔·H·沃尔科 特哲学教授

7. 迈克尔·斯宾塞 (Michael Spence) -诺贝尔奖得主,纽约大学经济学及商业威 廉·伯克利教授,斯坦福大学商业研究生院管理学菲利普·H·奈特荣誉教授

8. 汪晖 (Hui WANG) - 北京清华人文与社会科学高等研究院院长

9. 杨荣文 (George Yeo)-那兰朵大学校长,新加坡前外交部长


The Berggruen Prize

The Berggruen Prize is awarded annually to a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance in shaping human self-understanding and the advancement of humanity. It seeks to recognize and encourage philosophy in the ancient sense of the love of wisdom and in the 18th Century sense of intellectual inquiry into all the basic questions of human knowledge. It rewards thinkers whose ideas are intellectually profound but also able to inform practical and public life across the range of civilizations.
Great transformations are reshaping almost every aspect of human existence today. The very idea of the human is challenged by new technologies that not only take on tasks once thought intrinsically human but also are increasingly able to change human bodies. Economic, social, and cultural changes are also profound. Established political systems confront pressure at both national and international levels.
In this context, people seek wisdom in both new ideas and renewal of old traditions. But which new ideas should be welcome and what old traditions remain important?
To answer these questions, philosophy is vital not just as an academic discipline but as a source of intellectual and moral orientation in the world. Philosophy adequate to this task depends on advancing knowledge of the world as it is and as it changes, on ideas that both grasp and shape it, and on critical reason and debate that continually interrogate those ideas. Such philosophy is strengthened by a capacity to learn from the different forms of scholarship and intellectual perspective embedded in different civilizations. It also draws widely on humanities and social science and engages natural science and technology.
The Berggruen Prize is awarded for philosophy in this broad sense – deep intellectual work and cultural creativity that can help individual human beings and humanity as a whole find direction and wisdom in a rapidly changing and constantly challenging world.
An independent jury is appointed to select the recipient of the prize. The first winner is Professor Charles Taylor of McGill University.