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更新时间:2016-10-08 12:22:40  |  来源: Berggruen Institute

查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)是当今世界上最杰出的哲学家之一。他的工作囊括了广泛的学术研究以与大众生活息息相关的公共议题。他提出了重要的新思想和理论分析帮助我们可以更好地理解语言、人类主体动力、机械理论的局限性、个体的社会构成以及现代政治的本质等议题。他的成就在本质上塑造了多元文化、世俗主义和当代宗教等公共话题。
身为一个居住在加拿大魁北克的顶尖知识分子,泰勒一直在为尊重多元文化的政治统一发声。评委宾夕法尼亚大学校长艾米·古特曼(Amy Gutmann)点评:“泰勒此生的志业,正如同他的人生所向,是在不同的文化识别当中寻求相互理解和尊重。多元文化主义和思想被提出后立即成为经典辞藻、向我们传达了一条深远意义、不可或缺的社会讯息,‘认同不仅是一种礼貌而是人类需求的重要组成部分。’”

从全球视角上来看,泰勒大声疾呼对于多元文化传统的认同。评委清华大学教授汪晖强调,泰勒的成就对于亚洲甚至其它地区都起到了重大影响,证明了西方文明并非只是由单一的元素塑造而成,而是如同其它文明一样,由多种不同文化凝聚而成。据评委会主席纽约大学奎迈·安东尼·阿皮亚教授(Kwame Anthony Appiah)的观察与分析:“不论你是否同意他的观点,在面对如何认同各大洲不同文化的巨大挑战的问题面前,你肯定找不出比查尔斯.泰勒更好的办法了!”

  • 《自我的根源》,权威性地探索了关于自我认知的现代思想的发展,并帮助定义了西方文化。
  • 《世俗时代》,探讨世俗主义占主导的社会对于拥有宗教信仰和无宗教信仰的人群的意义和影响。
  • 《多元文化主义和肯认政治》,建立并发展了政治提升的身份认知度,尤其是对于受歧视的群体这一理论。
Berggruen Prize: Jury Statement on Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor is one of the most eminent philosophers in the world today. His work addresses issues that are of critical importance both for a wide range of academic discussions and for public life. He has contributed crucial new ideas and analyses that help us understand language, human agency, the limits of mechanistic explanation, the social constitution of the self, and the nature of modern politics. His work has fundamentally shaped public discussion of the nature of multiculturalism, secularism and contemporary religious life.
Taylor’s work exemplifies the importance of philosophy that reaches beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries, and has been influential in political science, sociology, anthropology, literature, and the study of religion as well as in philosophy.  But he has also addressed issues of central importance outside the academy, and his ideas have played an important role in debates about the role of gender, ethnicity and religion in modern politics.
A leading public intellectual in Quebec, in Canada and, indeed, around the world, Taylor has been a voice for political unity that respects cultural diversity. As juror Amy Gutmann commented, “Taylor's life's work has called for—and his life has modeled—mutual understanding and respect across the widest range of cultural identities. Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition instantly became a classic text because it eloquently and succinctly conveyed a profound social message that has never been more essential to our world: ‘Due recognition is not just a courtesy we owe people. It is a vital human need.’”  
On a global scale, Taylor has urged recognition of the importance of varied intellectual and civilizational traditions. Juror Wang Hui stressed the influence of Taylor’s work in Asia and elsewhere for demonstrating that Western civilization is not simply unitary, but like all civilizations the product of diverse influences. Jury chairman Kwame Anthony Appiah observed, “Whether or not you agree with him, if you want to face up to the challenges of identity on every continent today, you can do no better than to start with the work of Charles Taylor.”
Among the most influential of Taylor’s many books are:
·Sources of the Self, his magisterial exploration of the way in which the modern idea of selfhood developed and helped to define Western culture.

·A Secular Age, an enormously influential discussion of what it means for both religious and non-religious people to live in an era when secular understandings dominate.

·Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, which established and then explored the way that politics has increasingly taken up the claims of identity, particularly on the part of groups that have been denigrated.
Taylor’s work is philosophy in the most profound sense of a love of wisdom. It demonstrates how crucial philosophical understanding can be in sustaining the flourishing of individuals and communities.

