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更新时间:2016-10-08 12:13:35  |  来源: Berggruen Institute

洛杉矶,2016年10月4日电。加拿大哲学家查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)摘取首届博古睿奖的桂冠。博古睿奖为年度奖项,由博古睿研究院颁出,奖金为一百万美元,旨在奖励对人类自我认识和进步做出卓越贡献的思想家。首届博古睿奖颁奖典礼将于2016年12月1日在纽约举行。
博古睿研究院主席尼古拉斯·博古睿(Nicolas Berggruen)解释道:“我创办博古睿奖的原因就是希望在文化和政治日趋分裂的世界中,支持和促进优秀思想的发展,给人类社会带来积极的影响。我们的首位获奖者在促进不同文明相互理解和尊重中做出了重大的贡献。”
博古睿研究院总裁卡弘(Craig Calhoun)称泰勒为 “名副其实的得主,因为他改变了世界对人类生活中某些根本问题的思考。在科技迅速发展的当今时代,我们的世界发生着日新月异的变化。我们希望该奖项不仅能激励我们时代最优秀的思想家,并且能够影响未来一代的思想家。在人类历史上前所未有的大变革时代,未来一代的思想家将在定义人类角色方面发挥至关重要的作用”。
博古睿奖得主由纽约大学奎迈·安东尼·阿皮亚教授 (Kwame Anthony Appiah)担任主席的独立评选委员会选出。阿皮亚教授认为泰勒成功地将伦理,政治哲学,和人类哲学联系起来以解答公众和私人生活中的核心问题,他的获奖实至名归。评选委员之一,宾夕法尼亚大学校长艾米·古特曼 (Amy Gutmann)评价道,“泰勒的多远文化和肯认政治思想优雅简洁地向我们传达了至关重要的社会信息,即:认同不仅是一种礼貌而是人类需求的重要组成部分”。来自清华大学的评委汪晖教授强调,泰勒的成就对于亚洲甚至其它地区都起到了重大影响,证明了西方文明并非只是由单一的元素塑造而成,而是如同其它文明一样,由多种不同文化凝聚而成。
博古睿奖的其他评委包括:剑桥大学校长勒施克·伯瑞谢维兹爵士 (Leszek Borysiewicz),南加州大学教授安东尼奥·达马西奥 (Antonio Damasio),哈佛大学教授艾莉森·西蒙斯 (Alison Simmons),哈佛大学教授暨诺贝尔奖得主阿马蒂亚·森 (Amartya Sen),博科尼大学教授暨诺贝尔奖得主迈克尔·斯宾塞 (Michael Spence),和新加坡前外交部长杨荣文。


Sanuber Grohe
HL Group

The $1 million award will be given annually to a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance for shaping human self-understanding and the advancement of humanity
Los Angeles, CA, October 4, 2016The Berggruen Institute, founded by Nicolas Berggruen to deepen understanding of humanity’s future, today announced Charles Margrave Taylor as the winner of its first-ever Berggruen Prize for Philosophy. The $1 million award will be presented to Taylor in New York on December 1, 2016.
The Berggruen Prize for Philosophy is awarded annually to a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance in shaping our understanding and in the advancement of humanity. It seeks to recognize and encourage philosophy in both the eighteenth-century sense of intellectual inquiry into the basic questions of human knowledge and in the ancient sense of the word: love of wisdom.
“The idea behind The Berggruen Prize is to support and foster the development of ideas that make a positive impact in a world that is increasingly fractured, culturally and politically,” said Nicolas Berggruen, Chairman of The Berggruen Institute. “Our first recipient has made extraordinary contributions to deepening mutual understanding and respect across the widest range of cultural identities.”
Taylor, a professor emeritus at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, is one of the world’s foremost living philosophers. His work has influenced multiple disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, and has impacted public affairs. He has been a leading voice for the unity of Canada and the preservation of the distinctive identity of Quebec. His work links ethics, political philosophy, and philosophical anthropology to address central questions of public and private life, as well as to urge us to see human beings as constituted not only by their biology or their personal intentions, but by their embedding in webs of meaningful relationships.
The selection was made by an independent jury composed of nine leading thinkers from the East and West. Key factors considered during the deliberation process included: the reach and impact of the candidate’s ideas on humanity and our current thinking; the authenticity and originality of his/her work; and the applicability of his/her ideas across cultures.
Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York University Professor, who chaired this year’s jury, said, “Taylor is the ideal choice for the Berggruen Prize because of the breadth and depth of his intellectual contributions. His work truly exemplifies the importance of philosophy that reaches beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries and demonstrates how crucial philosophical understanding can be in sustaining the flourishing of individuals and communities.”
Other members of the jury for the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy included Cambridge Vice-Chancellor Leszek Borysiewicz, USC Professor Antonio Damasio, University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann, Tsinghua University Professor Wang Hui, Harvard Professor Alison Simmons, Harvard Professor and Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, Bocconi University Professor and Nobel Laureate Michael Spence, and Former Foreign Minister of Singapore George Yeo.
“Taylor has changed the way people all over the world think about some of the most basic questions in human life,” said Craig Calhoun, President of The Berggruen Institute. “As the world around us shifts due to rapid advancements in technology, we hope that this Prize inspires not only the greatest thinkers of our time, but also a generation of future thinkers, who will be critical in defining our role as individuals in a world disrupted by one of the greatest transformations humankind has seen.”
About The Berggruen Institute
The Berggruen Institute was created to strengthen understanding of how civilization and humanity’s future are shaped by culture and politics. It works to improve governance, deepen mutual learning across civilizations, and encourage ideas that shape the world and human self-understanding. Its work is integrated by a focus on the Great Transformations reshaping our era, and is organized through high-level Councils, such as the 21st Century Council and the Council for the Future of Europe as well as special initiatives and an active communications agenda. For more information on the Institute, please click here.
About The Berggruen Prize for Philosophy
The Berggruen Prize is awarded annually to a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance in shaping human self-understanding and the advancement of humanity. It seeks to recognize and encourage philosophy in the ancient sense of the love of wisdom and in the 18th Century sense of intellectual inquiry into all the basic questions of human knowledge. It rewards thinkers whose ideas are intellectually profound but also able to inform practical and public life across the range of civilizations. For more information on the Prize, please click here.
Sanuber Grohe
HL Group
